collected this is the highlands, a few kilometres out from Mt. Hagen
going up into the mountains (very steep). We arrived in a small
village and then walked. After two or three villages it became alot
more remote and we could feel the reaction of people on the path, the
few that we met, change from interest into shock the further we
walked. In the second or third village, i forget now, we were
cautious and stated our interests. After lots of confused handshaking
and giggling girls we met the headmen. We were invited into their
quite large hut (for maybe two families,) incredibly qmokey and in
the centre under leaves and then hot rocks was some very well cooked
pig meat, greasy. We ate and talked with someone who had gone to
school in maount hagen as a go between. To shorten a long story. He
told me that this topknot had in it two or three spear tips that had
been collectedd from battles, those speartips that had pierced flesh
since they had proved themselves to be powerful. They were wrapped up
in this bundle which would be worn by a warrior on top of his head
with feathers coming out the top to protect him from arrows.
Reference ;
i have never been able to scan the thing so dont know if the story is
true or not onlly reference i can find is from .
Pacific Islands, Africa, and the Americas
Douglas Newton ,
page 18 in regard to a sepik figure Kopar, A conical topknot was
formerly used as the support for a coronet of feathers.
Statue, Kopar, Bas Sepik, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée
New Guinea Headhunter
A New Guinea headhunter in a woven topknot wears a suspicious expression.
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Photographiée le :
1 mars 1924
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8 Mo - 3444px × 2644px • 27,94cm × 20,32cm @ 300 ppp
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